Test your installation

Great that you want to take Stackspin for a test drive! This guide contains instructions to get you going, some pointers on what we think would be useful to test, and guesses at what results of those tests would be useful to write down. At any point please feel invited to test whatever functionality you come across, and reporting whatever you think is interesting. Our contact details are listed here, and we’ll descibe how to give feedback via our issue tracker at the end of these instructions.

During these instructions, please replace example.org with your own domain name.

Stackspin installation

First we’d like you to setup a Stackspin cluster by yourself, following the Installation overview documentation and make sure you complete all steps.

Command line tests

Please Run the CLI tests which checks the overall functionality of your cluster and include the output in your feedback.

Testing Instructions for all apps

Please log in on https://dashboard.stackspin.example.org using single sign-on with your admin user email address and see if you have admin rights granted (usually there’s an app specific admin panel available or admin functionality like configuring users). Afterwards logout and log in again as the non-admin single-sign-on user you created earlier in the Stackspin admin panel. You should not have any admin privileges now.

Testing Instructions for specific apps


Please browse to Nextcloud using the link from your user dashboard app list and try to log in using single sign-on. Use the button labeled Login with Stackspin. Please try logging in with your admin account and configure the email settings as shown in the Usage doc. After that please log in with the user you created in the user panel.

Files & synchronization

Please try uploading, downloading, moving or copying files.


Please test the basic functionality of the calendar, including advanced features like recurrence, custom notifications or inviting attendees.


Please create and manage different passwords. In addition to that please try

Nextcloud sync applications

  • Please try syncing with your smartphone or desktop using one of the apps mentioned in Nextcloud.


Creating a new office document

From the main Nextcloud webpage, please try to create a new office document, by clicking the round plus button near the top of the screen, then picking the Document type with the blue icon (third one from below on my screen), and enter a name for it. After that, please try some basic editing of the document, and save it. Maybe check you can open it again afterwards, and that it has the contents that you saved earlier.

Collaborating on an office document

This part of the test requires the cooperation of another person; feel free to skip it now if that’s not convenient at this point.

  • First, try to share your document with a different user.

  • Then, try to open the shared document from a few different user accounts simultaneously, and let all participants edit the document mercilessly. There are also some collaboration features that you may want to try: on the left of the Onlyoffice screen there are buttons for chat and for text comments.


Using the link in the dashboard app, please try to log in to WordPress as the user you created earlier by pressing “Log in” and using the Login with OpenID Connect button.

Your user needs “Admin” privileges to edit the website.

Providing feedback

If you have not done so already, please create an account on https://open.greenhost.net (or log in with your existing github account) and create a new issue using the Feedback template.

Thanks a lot for your testing work! We’ll use your input to try to improve Stackspin.