.. _install_stackspin: ================= Install Stackspin ================= This guide explains how to install Stackspin on the Kubernetes cluster you have configured in the previous step. .. _flux_config: Step 1: Flux configuration ========================== Flux will run inside your Stackspin cluster to install and upgrade applications. It needs to be configured once, using the ``flux`` command line tool and scripts provided by us in the Stackspin repository. Configuration ------------- Copy the file ``install/.flux.env.example`` to your cluster dir ``clusters/stackspin.example.org/.flux.env``. This file contains the last bit of information you need to configure. Make sure not to put any quotes around your values, because that can make the resulting yaml files invalid. Also, using a dollar sign ``$`` or double quote ``"`` may lead to problems, so please avoid using those characters in the values. Cluster information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: # The IP address of your cluster ip_address= # The FQDN of your cluster domain=stackspin.example.org # The system administrator's email address. Alerts are sent to this address admin_email=admin@example.org Outgoing email ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Stackspin uses SMTP to send emails. This is essential for finishing account setups with password recovery links. Additionally, apps like Nextcloud, Zulip and Wordpress will be able to send email notifications from the email address configured here. You also may receive alert notification emails from Stackspin's monitoring system. See :ref:`system_administration/monitoring:Email alerts` for more information about those alerts, especially during installation. Because Stackspin does not include an email server, you need to obtain SMTP configuration details from your (external) email provider. .. _backups-with-velero: Backups with Velero (Optional) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can enable `Velero `__, a program that runs on your cluster and uploads backups of your cluster and user data to an S3 storage service of your choice. If enabled, Velero will create a backup of your cluster once every night and upload it to the S3 storage you configure. This includes: - your cluster state. Technically speaking, it will back up all Kubernetes resources in your cluster; this includes things like which applications are installed, including their version number and installation-time settings; - persistent data of all applications: for example, single sign-on users that you created, Nextcloud files and metadata, WordPress site data and comments, Zulip chat history, etc. A single exception to this is Prometheus data (statistics of system properties), which takes up a lot of space and we consider not valuable enough to back up. It does not include anything on the VPS that you may have set up but is not part of Stackspin, like programs installed via ``apt``, or data added to the VPS disk not through Stackspin. To configure Velero, edit the file ``clusters/stackspin.example.org/.flux.env``, and configure the settings with the ``backup_s3_`` prefix. Then continue with the installation procedure as described below. At the end of the installation procedure, you have to install the ``velero`` application. For information on how to use Velero with Stackspin, please see :ref:`backup`. .. _install_core_apps: Step 2: Install core applications ================================= Before you can start, you need to execute a few commands from the installation directory **on your provisioning machine**. Don't forget to replace ``stackspin.example.org`` with your domain. We will use this variable in the following commands, set it to your cluster directory. .. code:: console $ export CLUSTER_DIR=$PWD/clusters/stackspin.example.org Make sure your ``virtualenv`` is activated. .. code:: console $ . env/bin/activate Copy the installation kustomization to your cluster directory. .. code:: console $ cp install/kustomization.yaml $CLUSTER_DIR/ Tell kubectl to use your cluster's kube_config. .. code:: console $ export KUBECONFIG=$CLUSTER_DIR/kube_config_cluster.yml Ensure flux-system namespace is created. .. code:: console $ kubectl get namespace flux-system 2>/dev/null || kubectl create namespace flux-system This inserts the configuration from .flux.env into your cluster as a "secret". .. code:: console $ kubectl apply -k $CLUSTER_DIR After you have executed that code, your terminal should show: .. code:: secret/stackspin-cluster-variables created Next, run: .. code:: console $ ./install/install-stackspin.sh This installs the *core* of Stackspin into your cluster. To see what's included, check the ``flux2/infrastructure`` and the ``flux2/core`` folders in the `git repository `__. .. _install_additional_apps: Step 3: Install additional applications ======================================= After the script completes, you can install applications by running the other installation scripts in the ``install`` folder. At the moment, we have scripts to install: - Monitoring stack (Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, Eventrouter) ``./install/install-app.sh monitoring`` - Nextcloud and Onlyoffice with ``./install/install-app.sh nextcloud`` - Zulip chat with ``./install/install-app.sh zulip`` - Wekan with ``./install/install-app.sh wekan`` - WordPress with ``./install/install-app.sh wordpress`` - Velero with ``./install/install-app.sh velero`` (only if you have configured it in :ref:`backups-with-velero`). When the installation scripts complete, the application installation may still be running on the Stackspin cluster. You can monitor the progress by running ``flux get kustomizations`` (use ``watch flux get kustomizations`` to get updates). If all kustomizations have been applied correctly, you can monitor specific application releases by running ``watch flux get helmreleases --all-namespaces``. .. _validate_setup: Step 4: Validate setup ====================== Once the installation has been completed, you can log in on https://dashboard.stackspin.example.org (as always: replace *stackspin.example.org* with your domain). To get your login details, run: .. code:: console $ python -m stackspin stackspin.example.org admin-credentials Additionally, because Stackspin is still under development, we would like you to follow our :ref:`testing_guide` to make sure that the setup process went well. .. _let_us_know: Step 5: Let us know! ==================== We would love to hear about your experience installing Stackspin. If you encountered any problems, please create an issue in our `issue tracker `__. If you didn't please still reach out as described on our `contact page `__ and tell us how you like Stackspin so far. We want to be in communication with our users, and we want to help you if you run into problems.