To get an overall status of your cluster, run the tests from the command line. There are two types of tests: testinfra tests verify the setup, and end-to-end tests that check the webservice availability.
Testinfra tests
Testinfra tests are split into two groups, lets call them blackbox and clearbox tests. The blackbox tests run on your provisioning machine and test the Stackspin cluster from the outside. For example, the certificate check will check if the Stackspin returns valid certificates for the provided services. The clearbox tests run on the Stackspin host and check i.e. if docker is installed in the right version etc. Our testinfra tests are a combination of blackbox and clearbox tests.
If you have installed the Stackspin python requirements inside a virtual environment then you need to activate it before testing:
$ . env/bin/activate
Then enter the test directory in the Git repository on your provisioning machine.
$ cd test
To run the test against your cluster, first export the CLUSTER_DIR
environment variable with the location of your cluster config directory
(replace stackspin.example.org with your cluster name):
Then export the KUBECONFIG variable that lets kubectl
talk to your cluster.
Thirdly, export a variable that contains the password for the Prometheus HTTP endpoint.
$ export CLUSTER_DIR="${PWD}/../clusters/stackspin.example.org"
$ export KUBECONFIG=${CLUSTER_DIR}/kube_config_cluster.yml
$ export BASIC_AUTH_PW=$(kubectl get secret -n stackspin stackspin-prometheus-basic-auth --template '{{ .data.pass }}' | base64 -d)
Run all tests
$ py.test -s --ansible-inventory=${CLUSTER_DIR}/inventory.yml --hosts='ansible://*'
Test all applications
This will check for:
The applications return proper certificates
All helm releases are successfully installed
All app pods are running and healthy (this test includes all optional applications)
These tests includes all optional applications and will fail for optional applications that are not installed.
$ pytest -s -m 'app' --connection=ansible --ansible-inventory=${CLUSTER_DIR}/inventory.yml --hosts='ansible://*'
Tests a specific application
$ pytest -s -m 'app' --app="wordpress" --connection=ansible --ansible-inventory=${CLUSTER_DIR}/inventory.yml --hosts='ansible://*'
Advanced usage of Testinfra tests
Specify host manually:
$ py.test -s --hosts='ssh://root@example.stackspin.net'
Run only tests tagged with prometheus:
$ py.test -s --ansible-inventory=${CLUSTER_DIR}/inventory.yml --hosts='ansible://*' -m prometheus
Run cert test manually using the ansible inventory file:
$ py.test -s --ansible-inventory=${CLUSTER_DIR}/inventory.yml --hosts='ansible://*' -m certs
Run cert test manually against a different cluster, not configured in any ansible inventory file, either by using pytest:
$ FQDN='example.stackspin.net' py.test -sv -m 'certs'
or directly:
$ FQDN='example.stackspin.net' pytest/test_certs.py
Running Testinfra tests with local gitlab-runner docker executor
Export the following environment variables like this:
$ export CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE='open.greenhost.net:4567/stackspin/stackspin'
$ export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_stackspin_ci)"
$ export COSMOS_API_TOKEN='…'
Known Issues
The default ssh backend for testinfra tests is paramiko,
which does not work out of the box.
It fails to connect to the host because the ed25519 hostkey is not verified.
Therefore we need to force plain ssh:// with either connection=ssh
or --hosts=ssh://…
End to end tests
End to end tests run in a browser to test if all the web services are up and running and functioning correctly.
Cypress tests
Cypress tests are not yet integrated in the stackspin
CLI command suite.
Used for testing these applications:
To install Cypress on your provisioning machine go to the test/ directory and run:
$ npm install -g cypress
Test Grafana
$ export CYPRESS_BASE_URL='https://grafana.stackspin.example.net'
$ export CYPRESS_USE_SSO_LOGIN="true"
$ export CYPRESS_SSO_USER='admin'
$ export CYPRESS_SSO_PW='...'
$ cypress run --headed
Test nextcloud
The cypress end to end test is not included in the main Stackspin repository, but in the Nextcloud helm chart repository.
$ git clone https://open.greenhost.net/stackspin/nextcloud.git
$ export CYPRESS_BASE_URL='https://files.stackspin.example.net'
$ export CYPRESS_USE_SSO_LOGIN="true"
$ export CYPRESS_SSO_USER='admin'
$ export CYPRESS_SSO_PW='...'
$ cypress run --headed